
Thank you for visiting my blog. Peripatetic Perch is for birds like us who are curious about the world, eager to explore all that’s going on around us. The blog is now in its sixth year and it’s thanks to readers like you and subscribers of The Whistle Newsletter that I keep exploring and writing.

We are all part of an interconnected world that is changing rapidly. To make sense of all that’s happening in business, politics and culture, I take an un-siloed approach, exploring the world from all angles. If, like me, you like to step back from the noise and take a more sensible and nuanced view of life, you’ll find plenty to like at Peripatetic Perch. I hope you enjoy my blog-posts that are written at the intersection of economics, politics, business, and culture.

Having grown up in the eastern state of Assam in India, famous for its teas, and having constantly moved from one place to another, depending on my father’s job postings, my life and my writings have an itinerant quality about them. So Peripatetic Perch best describes my attitude to the world around!

I studied economics in college and decided to bring my understanding of the subject and my love for literature together to pursue a career in advertising as a writer. It is a profession that requires inspiration and flair, but also discipline and focus in equal measure. It has helped me view life from the vantage point of the consumption economy as well as the world of art.

Thank you for reading and do visit again. You can also stay updated on my posts by subscribing to the monthly newsletter update, The Whistle. You can read a sample of it here and subscribe here.

Please watch the videos below to understand how my Peripatetic Perch blog offers you a wise-eyed view of the world.

Shining the light for a wise-eyed view of the world

Nuanced analysis

Understanding of business
Brand new way to build business